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The Paramedic's Doom Page 4

  Dean spent the rest of the evening searching for information among the many myth and legend databases he'd discovered since he started working at Station U. While he waited for his laundry to be done, he typed in every version of sin eater he could think of using different keywords and phrases to learn everything he could about these particular rare creatures. He had to figure out a way to find this Reggie and figure out what dire situation or impending doom was about to occur in Elk City and its surrounding community.

  By the time he was finished searching, it was late in the evening, well after midnight. Checking the last load of laundry and bringing the clean clothes upstairs, Dean turned in for the night. He had a busy day tomorrow. He was meeting Gibbie at noon to talk with the diamond merchant. When that was finished, he had to head back home and get ready for work at six o'clock. His first day of night shift hit on the weekend which always led to a series of exciting 911 calls.

  Chapter 5

  It was just after noon and Gibbie was running late. Gibbie being late didn't surprise him. The vampire was always a little disheveled and unorganized. What did surprise Dean was that he’d decided to go ahead with this significant purchase using Gibbie’s jewelry guy.

  The words “Gibbie knows a guy” were seldom considered an excellent review of services rendered in Elk City. Dean could hear the laughter and teasing he’d get if his coworkers heard him utter those words.

  He checked his watch again for the third time and was just about to pull out his phone and call Gibbie when the familiar beat up white van with dark tinted windows pulled up across the street.

  As it pulled to a stop, Dean's phone chirped with a text message.

  * * *

  Follow me into the underground parking garage after I enter the code.

  * * *

  Dean started his truck and after checking to make sure there was no traffic executed a U-turn pull in behind Gibbie’s van. They drove a half a block down the street and then turned into a ramp leading down to an underground parking garage beneath one of the buildings.

  He’d wondered how Gibbie was going to take him diamond shopping in the middle of the day. Vampires Gibbie’s age were still very susceptible to the ravages of direct sunlight. The underground garage explained it. The Diamond merchant must have offices in the building above.

  Dean followed Gibbie as he drove through the garage circling past many empty spaces all the way to the lowest level before parking. Dean pulled his pickup truck in next to the van and got out.

  “Hey, Gibbie, why didn't we just park upstairs? There were plenty of parking places on the first and second level.”

  “We would've had to come down here anyway,” Gibbie said. The guy we are going to see is it located in the tunnels below this garage.”

  “Good grief, Gibbie. Why the heck would he have his offices underground? There're perfectly good offices upstairs. Who is this guy anyway?”

  “He’s underground because gnomes like to spend most of their time underground. It makes them a lot more comfortable, besides he's doing me a favor and meeting us here in his home so show a little respect, okay?”

  “I’m always respectful. Next time, though, fill me in on the details beforehand.”

  Dean had never met a gnome in his work treating the emergency injuries and illnesses for the Unusual community in Elk City. It was always a bit of a thrill to meet a new kind of mythical creature, though he wished he'd known ahead of time. It would have been nice to look up some information on gnomes before they got here. Not knowing who or what an Unusual could do to him made Dean nervous.

  Gibbie smiled. “There's nothing to worry about, Dean. I've known this guy for a long time, and he was happy to be able to do a favor for one of the paramedics who serve our whole community. From the way he talked when I called him, I think he's prepared to give you a very good deal on his merchandise.”

  “Lead on, then. I can use all the help I can get with this purchase. It's not like I can afford very much to begin with. Jaz already makes so much more money than I do it kind of makes me uncomfortable I can’t afford a decent ring for her.”

  “You've got to lose some of those old-fashioned values, Dean. For goodness sake, it's a whole new millennium out there. Women are allowed to make more money than their male counterparts. Hasn't anybody filled you in on that fact? If I felt that way, I’d never have a girlfriend. Wow, and people say I have problems with women.”

  Dean couldn’t believe he was having a serious discussion about relationship advice with Gibbie.

  “I’m not having problems with my relationship with Jaz. The problems are all in my own head and have to do with getting her the diamond ring she deserves.”

  “You're putting too much pressure on yourself, Dean. I think she'd be happy if you gave her a ring out of the gumball machine. It's you she wants, not some random item of jewelry.”

  “I hope you're right. It doesn't mean I shouldn't do the best I can with what I have.”

  “Oh, you're absolutely right there. While she would accept a gumball machine ring, it doesn't mean she didn’t expect you to put some effort into getting her a real one.”

  “That makes absolutely no sense, Gibbie. She either wants a nice ring, or she doesn't. Which is it?”

  Gibbie laughed.

  “It's both, stupid. Women get to contradict themselves all the time. That's what keeps us guessing and coming back for more.”

  Dean shook his head. He didn't think Jaz was like that, but he couldn't be hundred percent sure. Better to be safe than sorry. Besides, he had some ideas to make the ring and the engagement a little more than your standard event.

  “Lead the way, Gibbie. I'm right behind you.”

  The vampire led Dean to a dark corner at the back of the third level of the garage. Dean couldn't make out much and wished he’d grabbed his flashlight from the truck.

  Dean was about to turn back to get it when a light flared ahead of him as Gibbie opened a secret panel set into the concrete wall. He entered a code on the hidden keypad there then stepped back.

  A section of the wall slid backward and then to one side. On the other side of the opening, there was a long passageway lined with concrete heading off into the distance. A string of bare lightbulbs connected by a long electrical cable hung suspended from hooks in the ceiling above.

  Gibbie motioned for Dean to follow him inside. Once Dean stepped into the passage, Gibbie turned back and closed the secret wall behind them.

  “No sense letting anyone else know about this place. Alfonse is very particular about who visits him here.”

  “Given what he does for a living, I can understand that. Extra security would be preferred.”

  “Why would he need security? No one in their right mind steals from a gnome. The bad luck alone would chase you for the rest of your life. And that's if he didn't track you down and rip you apart, limb from limb.”

  “You make him sound like some sort of monster.”

  “He’s no more a monster than any of us are, Dean. He is just capable of taking care of himself and his merchandise. You’ll see.”

  Dean didn’t know what that meant, but he was a little more apprehensive than he’d been before.

  The passageway continued for about a hundred yards in a straight line before ending in an ornately carved stone door. There was a velvet rope hanging down from the ceiling next to the door. Gibbie tugged on it twice before taking a step back and waiting.

  “He might have another customer or a house guest with him. This is the entrance. There’s another passage that’s the exit leading back to the garage. Alfonse takes great care to protect the anonymity of his clients.”

  “I’m just a simple paramedic. Why would I need to hide the fact I shopped here?”

  “There are others, a more select clientele Alfonse sees. They like to have their identities kept secret. It’s all part of the mystique, I guess.”

  “He’s certainly got me wondering about all the mystery.”

  “See,” Gibbie said. “That means it’s working.”

  The door shifted a bit in front of them, then slid to one side with a slight grinding sound. It revealed a foyer covered with a plush red carpet leading to a large room filled with the most garish gold-painted furniture Dean had ever seen. Everything in the room was either painted gold or covered in red or gold velvet. He felt like he’d entered some sort of velvet Elvis painting. He also noticed what looked like moving boxes and open crates scattered around the room. It looked like this guy was packing up and going somewhere.

  A short, squat man entered from a door opposite them and waddled over, a huge grin on his face. He had a broad, flat nose on his face set above a long waxed handlebar mustache stretching out on either side of his mouth.

  “Gibson, my good man, how are you? It’s been a long time since you graced me with your presence.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I’ve fallen on some unfortunate times and don’t have the funds to shop from your exclusive collection of late. What’s with the boxes, Alfonse? Are you going somewhere?”

  “I am taking some precautions, that’s all. There’ve been some rumblings of trouble on the horizon and I want to be ready in case things get too hot around these parts.”

  That caught Dean’s attention. What did the gnome know? Did he have some information about some impending disaster or situation coming to Elk City? Dean wanted to ask outright but he hadn’t even been properly introduced yet.

  Most Unusuals put a lot of stock in protocol and manners. Dean would have to wait until it was a better time. He did clear his throat to remind Gibbie to introduce him.

  Gibbie didn’t pick up on the hint but the gnome did. He turned and gestured to Dean.

  “Is this the young man you told me abo
ut? I’ve wanted to meet this paramedic who sent that vile bastard Artur packing with his tail between his legs. Your name is Dean Flynn, is it not?”

  Dean shifted his feet. The whole situation with Artur had left a bad taste in his mouth and he didn’t like to think about how close he’d come to losing Jaz that night.

  He forced a smile on his face anyway and held out his hand. “Yes, sir. Dean is correct, and it was a team effort. I had a lot of help. In fact, I’d be dead without the aid of my friends.”

  “Nonsense, I heard it was you who tracked him down and cornered him in his lair. That was no easy task and a bold move to make. I salute you. Now, call me Alfonse. All my friends do.”

  The abandoned mansion Artur used as his hideout while he tried to overthrow the local Unusual overlord, James Lee, wasn’t what he would call a lair. Dean didn’t want to argue with their host, though. He worried it might drive up the cost of his diamond.

  Dean opted to change the subject. “Thank you for agreeing to see me, Alfonse. I appreciate it. I have to admit, though, I don’t know much about shopping for jewelry. Before Gibbie offered to introduce us, I was just planning on visiting one of the stores in the mall.”

  The gnome gasped, his hand coming up and covering his open mouth, but not before Dean spotted the rows of needle-sharp teeth inside.

  “That hurts me just thinking about it. What kind of person buys the woman they love mall jewelry?”

  “The kind who doesn’t have a lot of money to spend, like me.”

  “Well, we’ll see about that. Most people think money is the only currency in the world and therefore they discount the true worth they bring to a transaction. I believe you have more to offer than you know. The question for you, Dean Flynn, is what do you think? What is your real worth?”

  Dean found his eyes drifting to the floor as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. The gnome’s scrutiny made him uncomfortable for some reason. It felt like he was being x-rayed or something.

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean, Alfonse. I’m just a city employee at the end of the day.”

  Alfonse stared at him, making Dean uncomfortable.

  The silence dragged on for many long seconds until he finally raised his eyes from the floor and returned the gnome’s gaze.

  Alfonse shook his head in disbelief.

  “You really believe that, don’t you. Interesting. Well, never mind all that. I’m sure we can come to some sort of accommodation. Follow me and we’ll take a look at some of the items I have to offer.”

  Alfonse took Dean and Gibbie through a series of winding passageways deeper into his underground apartment until they ended at a huge steel bank vault door set in the concrete wall. Considering the whole place was already sort of a vault in itself, Dean found it a little bit of overkill.

  The gnome placed his open hand palm down on a glass panel. As soon as he did, the panel lit up with a red light from below. It pulsed a few times then flashed as it changed to green. A click sounded and the gears on the front of the vault door turned, pulling the huge steel bars back into the door from the sockets in the surrounding walls.

  Alfonse gripped the door with both hands and pulled open the heavy steel panel. It opened smoothly on the massive hinges. Beyond, the gnome revealed a small room about ten feet on each side.

  Straight ahead, opposite the entrance, was a metal wall with glass shelves. Each shelf contained a selection of various items of jewelry. There was everything there, from rings to necklaces, and bracelets and rings. On the left and right were dozens of tiny metal doors set in the wall. It was very similar to what Dean had seen for bank safety deposit boxes. Each of the small metal doors had its own lock.

  “Come inside, come inside,” Alfonse said. I like to think there is something in here for everyone no matter what you think you can afford to pay.”

  Dean followed the gnome inside with Gibbie close behind him. Dean wasn't sure he could afford anything among the items in view on the glass shelves. A knot started to form in the pit of his stomach this stuff had to be worth a fortune. It was all far outside anything he could afford.

  Alfonse must've seen the shocked look on his face.

  “Don't get yourself all worked up, Dean. There are many items here of various levels of value. There is a ring and a stone here suitable for your fiancé. Now, why don't you tell me a little bit about this woman whose captured in your heart?”

  “Uh, I suppose she's a lot like many women. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and she's very athletic.”

  Gibbie rolled his eyes.

  “Oh for goodness sake. Dean honey we're never going to get anywhere if that's the best you can do.”

  Gibbie turned to Alfonse.

  “Dean's fiancé is Jaswinder Errington.”

  Alfonse’s eyes grew wide and he shot a glance at Dean.

  “THE Jaswinder Errington?”

  That's the one. As you know, she's an accomplished hunter and currently the CEO of their whole international security firm. The girl seems rather down-to-earth on the few occasions I've met her but she comes from money and good things so she'd appreciate a value when she sees it.”

  “Good to know,” Alfonse said. “That gives me somewhere to start.”

  “Look,” Dean said. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea. Maybe I need to rethink what direction I go right now.”

  “Having second thoughts, are we?” Alfonse said. “Gibbie, fetch the boy a chair from outside while I get him a few things to look at.”

  Alfonse turned his full attention to Dean.

  “Now that I know a little something about the lady involved I have some good news for you. Given that she’s, shall we say, an active sort of person, I’m sure she won’t want a huge solitaire diamond and setting. That’s good for you. They’re gaudy and needlessly expensive. Plus, it would only get in the way of her more tactical pursuits.”

  “That makes sense,” Dean said as he nodded.

  Gibbie returned with a tall, mahogany, ladder back chair.

  Dean sat down when the gnome paused and gestured to the seat.

  “Now,” Alfonse continued, “my gut tells me we should look at sometime more vintage, perhaps something with a little meaning beneath its selection. I have an excellent collection of antique rings with diamonds set in lower-profile settings more suited to your Jaswinder.”

  “It’s Jaz,” Dean corrected.

  “Jaz. Isn’t that sweet.” Alfonse turned to the lefthand wall of cabinets and pulled out a large ring of keys from his pocket. Dean wasn’t sure how he’d fit such a massive ring with so many keys in his small pants pocket but he’d obviously managed it somehow.

  The gnome peered at the selection of keys dangling before his eyes then selected one and inserted it into one of the small locked doors at eye-level. Pulling the door open, Alfonse slid a long rectangular box out of the hole the small door revealed. He set the long box down on a small wooden table in the corner.

  Selecting another key from the ring, Alfonse unlocked the small padlock holding the box closed. Opening the box, the gnome leaned over it, looking inside. Dean couldn’t see the inside of the box from where he sat, so he waited while Alfonse scanned the contents inside it. After a few seconds perusing the selection, he reached inside and pulled out a small silver ring with a blue stone set in a low-profile, round setting.

  Putting a jeweler’s loop in one eye, Alfonse peered at the ring up close for a long time, turning it from side to side to look from many angles.

  Tucking the viewing loop back into one of his many pockets with one hand, Alfonse held up the other, presenting the ring to Dean.

  “This one is perfect, I think.”

  Dean took the ring and looked at it, turning it in his fingers to catch the overhead light from different angles.

  “It is beautiful, but if it’s an antique, it must be expensive.”

  “It’s not just an antique; it’s a powerful artifact. There is a powerful charm set on it.”

  “Magic? I’m not sure…”

  “Not sure your hunter girlfriend will dabble with magic. Don’t worry, the charm is harmless to its wearer and might come in useful in her line of work. This particular ring belonged to an heiress to a great Lycan family fortune. She came from a contentious family, though, and her father encouraged his offspring to fight it out for dominance among themselves. The werewolf mistress in question had this little beauty created to warn her when a surprise attack from behind her was imminent. Alas, she died from a silver bullet to the heart, fired from directly in front of her by an attacker in plain view. I’m told the person who shot her was her younger brother.”